About The Exhibition
The Story Of Our Planet Unfolds is a photographic exhibition that tells our collective story of climate change. Drawing on over a decade of work from internationally acclaimed photographer Michael Hall, the exhibition connects us with impactful and provocative images that put a human face to a sometimes intangible or abstract challenge. It vividly portrays both people caught in the crossfire of climate extremes and those working towards making a better future a reality. This powerful body of work is both a striking portrayal of the world we live in today and an invitation, and challenge, to decide together what world we will create.
The exhibition highlights the striking impacts of climate change at home in Australia, and around the world, as well as the growing global action to address the challenge. From pristine landscapes under threat; to the devastated communities left in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines; to the ‘climate refugees’ in our own backyard evicted from their properties after ravaging bushfires, the exhibition reminds us that this is a global challenge that affects us all. It shows us that climate change is ultimately a human story; one where we all play an important part in which way the story will go. These powerful images place us right in the picture and create a moving account that speaks to the heart of the climate change challenge, in the hope of inviting and inspiring action to shape a more positive future.
The exhibition was first conceived by Glider in collaboration with Michael Hall and brought to life in partnership with City of Sydney, Customs House Sydney and The Climate Institute, with whom Michael was a Creative Research Fellow for two years. The exhibition also shown at Library At The Dock, in partnership with City of Melbourne.
“I hope this exhibition will be seen by ordinary Australians who might then be inspired to demand change. These images I am sure will remain with everyone who sees them.”
About Michael Hall
Michael Hall is an award-winning photographer who has been in the field for over 20 years. His work has been widely exhibited and won international acclaim for the way it artfully captures the arresting landscapes, human faces and personal stories of climate change. This body of work has been acknowledged and endorsed by leading thinkers in sustainability including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Professor Dexter Dunphy AM, Professor Tim Flannery and New York Walter Randel Gallery Curator Yoo-Jong Kim.
About Glider
Glider creates platforms that uplift people and places by elevating the stories, issues and conversations that matter. We focus our work on the big human issues shaping our society and the future, and create compelling physical and digital experiences that move people to think, feel, be and do in new and fuller ways. As a transdisciplinary studio, our partnerships with research institutes, NGOs, foundations, organisations, industries, governments, cities, festivals and the wider public, seek out innovative, and often unexpected, new ways to spark meaningful conversations about what it is to be alive, and all the fullness of what it means to Be Human. www.gliderglobal.com